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像贵公司这样的企业由于各种原因经常需要加急货运, such as tight deadlines, urgent last-minute orders, or unexpected demands for emergency supplies or parts. These situations require swift, 可靠的交付解决方案,以保持效率和有效地满足关键需求.

但加急货运服务包括许多不同的模式和时间承诺. One-, two- or three-day air freight as well as full-truckload (FTL) and sometimes even less-than-truckload (LTL) ground freight shipping might fit the bill. 那么,您如何确定哪一个适合您的特定需求呢? 在这里,我们将向您介绍几个可以帮助您做出决定的因素.

How far does your expedited freight need to go?

When you hear the term "expedited freight," air freight may be the first thing that comes to mind, but in many cases, 加急的地面运输更可取——而且更经济. Ground freight carriers can have a regional or national scope, so this mode is often ideal for shorter shipping distances, such as local or interstate destinations. FTL shipping in particular 也许能满足紧急货运需求,因为你的卡车不需要额外停车来装卸属于其他企业的其他货物.

However, air freight does have a global reach, 允许对时间敏感的货物运输跨越大陆和海洋,到达地面运输根本无法到达的国际地点.

Is your urgent freight delivery going to a major travel hub?

With air solutions, 对时间敏感的货物可以直接从一个机场到另一个机场,而不需要多次停留. 许多航空公司还提供货运代理服务,可以提供往返机场的地面运输. 如果你的出发地和目的地离主要的旅游枢纽相对较近,空运可能是理想的选择.

但是,如果你的货运不是往返于一个主要的大都市地区呢? 地面运输的一个优点是能够直接到达远离机场的地区, including rural locations. 如果您的加急货运需要交付到一个非主要的旅游中心, such as a remote or rural area, LTL freight or FTL ground shipping may be more desirable than air freight.

What type of expedited freight are you shipping?

对于某些货运货物,了解法规和限制是至关重要的. For example, 航空运输对有害物质和受管制物质实行更严格的规定. 出于安全考虑,一些有害物质禁止空运. Additionally, 与空运相关的严格安全协议可能会增加运输的总体成本和时间. So, depending on your goods, 地面运输可能更简单,甚至是您紧急货运的唯一选择.

另外需要考虑的是——你运送的是非常贵重的货物吗? 对航空旅行进行更严格控制的一个好处是增加了安全性, 哪一种可以为高价值或不可替代的货运增加安心.

What size is your time-sensitive shipment?

您要运输的货物是特别大还是特别重? Ground transportation is suitable for handling larger, bulkier and heavier items — such as appliances, mechanical equipment and furniture. 这使得地面运输成为超大货物的实际选择.

如果你有一个大的紧急货物交付,航空货运的尺寸限制可能会发挥作用. 这是因为与地面卡车相比,货运飞机的空间有限. That being said, 加急货运有时可以在客机的货舱内运输, increasing the number of possible flights for your shipment. 但在这种情况下,空间通常比利用货运专用货机时更为有限.

How urgent is your expedited freight shipment?

对于最紧急的货物,空运通常是解决方案. 空运货物直接从始发机场运送到目的地机场,不经中途停留, typically ensuring a quicker delivery time.

But don't assume air freight is always the fastest time-sensitive freight option. There are overnight ground freight services to consider. In fact, 它可能需要几个小时或更长时间,以确保空运住宿为您的货物, 而地面运输通常可以在较短的通知时间内预订. Additionally, most air freight depends on scheduled flights, whereas trucks can hit the road whenever they're needed.

Of course, delays are possible with both ground and air shipping. 对于地面交通来说,意外的道路封闭、事故和绕行都可能造成延误. Similarly, 天气状况或空中交通堵塞等因素都可能导致空运延误. While you can't predict the future, considering available information about weather, road and flight conditions can factor into your decision.

What are your budget concerns?

预算的考虑在选择合适的运输模式对时间敏感和/或次日货运的重要作用. 对于较短的距离,地面运输通常更经济, 然而,由于运营货机的额外成本,航空货运往往更昂贵.

如果预算是你最关心的问题,那就看看是否有适合你日程安排的FTL或LTL选项. 如果更快的交货时间比成本更重要,空运可能是更好的选择.


选择合适的加急货运模式是一个复杂的过程,有许多因素,更不用说寻找能够提供这种模式的承运人并与之合作了. 你知道仅在美国就有数百艘LTL航母和数十万艘超光速航母吗? If you work with a third-party logistics (3PL) provider like 十大菠菜台子 您可以依靠他们提供专家指导,选择正确的运输模式和承运人为您的紧急货运交付.


十大菠菜台子在物流行业拥有数十年的经验,帮助成千上万的各种规模的托运人高效地移动产品. We are also part of WWEX Group, alongside Worldwide Express and Unishippers. Combined, 这三家公司构成了该行业最大和最多样化的第三方物流之一, providing shippers with top solutions that help them succeed. Through our full suite of shipping solutions, we service more than 48 million shipments annually, 并且拥有与几乎所有行业的各种规模的公司合作的资源和专业知识.

See how 十大菠菜台子 can help you transform your freight shipping. If you are ready to talk to an expert, reach out for a free consultation today!